Mar 12, 2009

Problems with re-submitting

Have I written about re-submission of e-forms earlier? I think I did, but I was quite optimistic. A few weeks back, I submitted a form 1A (to register the name of a new company which we are incorporating). However, it was rejected because a non-compulsory field was not filled up (if it is actually compulsory why they don't mark it as compulsory? I don't know).

At first, I tried re-submitting but the status of my SRN was "to be clarified" thus I couldn't re-submit. I contact the support of the MCA website and they quickly and efficiently changed my status.

Then, again I tried re-submitting. After downloading the latest e-form, filling it up (which in this case does not need digital signature), pre-scrutinizing it and trying to upload it, I was told: that I needed the latest version of the e-form. I thought: "this must be a small programming mistake which will be corrected in a few days time". So, I waited. After a few days, I tried again, but didn't work. So, I again sent an e-mail to same highly efficient people that had helped earlier... this time I wasn't so lucky. They didn't reply.

I decided to try again uploading after a few days... nothing. I wrote again to the support people, and no reply. Finally, the time for re-submitting is due. I have been sent an e-mail telling me that, if I want to submit the form again, I will have to do it afresh (i.e. paying the fee again). I've written to the support team complaining about this, but I only get silence... this is really quite disappointing!

I guess I could try fighting for this out, but perhaps the most efficient and less costly way of getting my things done is simply to spend again the Rs. 500 for submitting the form and forget about the issue (hopefully this time it will work fine). Perhaps I shouldn't forget so easily about this and claim my rights... but unfortunately I don't think I have the time, nor the patience to do so.


  1. Could you just let us know more about the field you left unfilled thinking that it was not compulsory,so that others do not make the same mistake?

  2. Good point! It was the field: "State the significance of the key or coined word(s), if any, in the proposed name(s) (in brief)". It is not marked as compulsory and I thought it wasn't really necessary to explain the name of our company... but well, it got rejected.
